Have you ever felt that there is more to life? More than you’re every day routine? Ways to use your life experiences and passions in one capacity or another? Here at Women Of Influence, we believe that God has given each of us gifts, talents, and resources to make a difference in the lives of those around us.

Which is why we are so excited to share with you our new Empowerment Program. The Empowerment Program is all about creating Platforms and Pathways to educate, pray and provide resources to change the lives of others. By partnering with local nonprofits such as Teen Challenge, Boys and Girls Club, Olive Crest and Grandma’s House of Hope, we are providing a way for our women to connect and empower other women and children in the area in a unique way. We as believers have been called to do good, seek justice, defend the fatherless and plead for the widow but sometimes it’s hard to know how and where do to that. That’s where we come in. By joining the Empowerment program, You can use the gifts and resources that God has given you by getting involved in your community and making a difference in the lives of women and children living in neighboring communities.

To get involved, email jen@influnecechurch.org. We look forward to connecting with you!